PenApps Partner & Technical Meeting November 14th to 18th, 2022
Practical information page
Planned organization

Arrival for Tech participants
We hope you’ll have a wonderful travel to Roanne.
Tech team building dinner in a secret countryside French location

Partners Arrival & Tech meeting
We hope you’ll have a wonderful travel to Roanne.
While partners are having good time in the planes and other transportation devices, Tech participants are already working (someone has to)
A group dinner in town is possible depending how fast partners reach the city

Meeting day
09h00 - 17h00 meeting dayLet’s be productive
Lunch break at 12h30
at Restaurant Les Remparts
Dinner information and location coming soon

Meeting day
09h00 - 17h00 meeting dayLet’s stay productive
Lunch break at 12h30 at Restaurant Les Remparts
Some partners are leaving us
Dinner information and location coming soon

Meeting day
09h00 - 17h00 meeting dayLet’s stay productive.
Lunch break at 12h30 at Restaurant Les Remparts
Some partners are leaving us
Dinner information and location coming soon

Tech Meeting & Partner Travel day
While good tech people are still at work, partners are traveling back home …
We wish you a nice trip back or further journey to new adventures